通訊工具進步之後,工作機會也越來越國際化,許多新鮮人都想去外商公司闖一闖,但英語面試自我介紹卻成為許多人的夢魘。小編曾聽到有人因為太緊張,講完My name is …以後就結束啦!那大家也知道這樣的結果是什麼啦!這篇小編就手把手教你面試英文之英語自我介紹怎麼說!
第一步:Greeting 問候一定要,請當有禮貌的人!
Good morning! 早安! / Good afternoon! 午安! / Good evening! 晚安!
第二步:Background Knowledge 個人訊息和學歷,請據實以告!
My name is Camila. I am 24 years old. I studied in National Taiwan University and my major is Accountancy.
- 句型解析:
- My name is … / I’m… (我的名字是…)
例句:My name is Amber. = I’m Amber. (我是安博。)
- I studied in… / I graduated from …(我就讀於… / 我自…畢業)
例句:I studied in UCLA. / I graduated from UCLA. (我就讀於UCLA。/ 我從UCLA 畢業。)
- My major was… / I majored in… (我主修…)
例句:My major was Psychology. = I majored in Psychology. (我主修心理學。)
- 科系英文小字典:
- Advertising 廣告
- Accountancy 會計
- Banking 金融
- Business Management 企管
- Diplomacy 外交
- Education 教育
- Electronic Engineering 電子工程
- Foreign Language 外語
- Geography 地理
- History 歷史
- Interior Design 室內設計
- International Business 國際貿易
- Journalism 新聞
- Medicine 醫學
- Political Science 政治
- Philosophy 哲學
- Psychology 心理學
第三步:Strength & Interests 特長及興趣,做一個生活豐富的人!
I am an experienced teacher. I am an organized and passionate person. And I believe that this is exactly what being a good teacher needs. I made a lesson plan before classes and I created fun activities in the class, because I think study should be fun. And I also love to read in my leisure time. Therefore, I want to help my students develop a habit of reading.
- Administrate skill 行政能力
- Organized 有組織性的
- Passionate 熱情的
- Sale 銷售
- Team-player 團隊合作
- Dancing 跳舞
- Listen Music 聽音樂
- Painting 畫畫
- Reading 閱讀
- Watch movie 看電影
- Writing 寫作
第四步:Ambitions 展現你的野心,告訴大家為什麼要選你!
I heard that the purpose of your school is to make an environment where students can learn happily and develop good reading habits. I feel this purpose matched my teaching philosophy. I hope I have a chance to develop my interest and capability here. Then I believe I can bring what I learn into full play in my professional field.
最後一步:Appreciate 美好的結尾,也要有禮貌喔!
Thank you for listening! / Thanks for your attention! (謝謝你的聆聽!)
Good morning! My name is Camila. I am 24 years old. I studied in National Taiwan University and my major is Accountancy.
I am an experienced teacher. I am an organized and passionate person. And I believe that this is exactly what being a good teacher needs. I made a lesson plan before classes and I created fun activities in the class, because I think study should be fun. And I also love to read in my leisure time. Therefore, I want to help my students develop a habit of reading.
I heard that the purpose of your school is to make an environment where students can learn happily and develop good reading habits. I feel this purpose matched my teaching philosophy. I hope I have a chance to develop my interest and capability here. Then I believe I can bring what I learn into full play in my professional field.
Thank you for your listening!
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